Saturday, January 23, 2010

A Gift

Everyone talks about how ugly the world is. I disagree. The world is incredibly beautiful. It is only a lot of people in it that make it such an ugly place to be at times. We can drown ourselves in all that is wrong or we can separate ourselves from those that inflict ugliness and rejoice in the beauty that God has created all around us. This beauty can be found in nature...and often... in those people that are out there searching for that same beauty.

Friday, January 8, 2010

A Moment with Nature

It is those moments that I dream up and capture with my camera that are often the happiest little moments that make up my life. When that moment is captured perfectly, I don't know what to call them. Are they made up of luck or skill? Perhaps a bit of both? Who cares...they just are. I am going to treasure each and everyone.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Our Move

We have been busy with our move to Corpus Christi and getting to know our new home. I am so excited about the new photography opportunities here. I have many hopes for the future here. After we get settled, I hope to open a studio/gallery here. I would like to teach photography classes and display my work as well as the work of the many other talented photographers I know. Meanwhile, I will be building my stock photography with images of our beautiful new home town.